Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mr. Super Booth

I finally got some photos of my setup with my new paint exhaust system from Mr. Hobby. It's a fantastic solution for anyone who has a cramped apartment space with very few windows. I can't work out on my patio (it's very small) so I have to work indoors and crack windows. This easily fits into my window sill and makes next to no noise when on.

The booth runs around $200 so when I first got it, I admit I was disappointed. It seemed so flimsy! As I assembled it, however, it became obvious that it was only 'flimsy' because it was as minimal as it could get while still being effective. It's light, small, holds itself up well, and doesn't feel cheap at all once you're working with it. The fan is about as loud as a hair dryer on low or a small fan, it can be turned on and off with a flip switch.

It has a very sturdy rubber hose that attaches to a small exhaust port on the fan. It goes on and off easily but won't come off by simply pulling on it. In my opinion it is rather high quality, it snaps into place and holds its shape well. You can pull on it to make it longer (that's what she said) or you can scrunch it down so it's small for storage. You can see the feet of the fan sitting quite a ways back on my window sill. I have never felt like this was going to tip over or fall off, it holds its weight perfectly. Again, everything is just as stripped down as it can be.

It's getting to be winter here in Denver and the temperatures are dropping. Mr. Super Booth allows me to work inside because you only need to crack the window slightly so you can fit the mouth outside. That was a separate purchase which I highly recommend. It's only 2 or 3 inches tall so you can get away with a nearly closed window.

I'm 100% certain you can build your own booth for much cheaper than this option, but the quality speaks for itself. It's a really top-notch painting solution for cramped spaces and it saves you the hassle of worrying if you're going to put the wrong fan in or have some kind of fume fire. It has a changeable filter sheet that came with replacements so you don't have to worry. If you're lacking a traditional studio and live in a smaller space like I do, I really recommend it. Set up is easy, clean up is easy, storage is simple and small, what else do I need?

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